Tuesday, July 28, 2020

New Circus World Museum Signs!

Look what popped up on Water Street in Baraboo Wisconsin!

Colorful educational signs with fun photos, maps, and information about Ringlingville.  

Ringlingville is a national historical landmark made up of the remaining buildings of the Ringling Brothers Circus winter quarters (which is an entire blog post on its own).

Stop by, check out the new signs, and learn a little something about the: 
  • Ring Barn
  • Elephant House
  • Animal House
  • Baggage Horse Barn
  • Winter Quarters Office
  • Wardrobe

The project is supported in part by a grant from the Sauk County Extension, Arts & Culture Committee and Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.

A shout out to Jennifer Cronk, Robert L. Parkinson Library & Research Center's curator for researching the topics and coming up with great content, design and execution.  

Thank you everyone associated with Circus World Museum for making this happen!

Stop by and check them out.  Learn something.

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Why am I Blogging About Circus Stuff?

Good question.  Not exactly sure.  I do know a number of years ago, in the month leading up to the Big Top Parade in Baraboo Wisconsin each ...