Thursday, July 9, 2020

Baraboo Tours' Focus on the Circus Library

Circus World’s Robert L. Parkinson Library and Research Center is the world’s foremost research facility for circus history. The holdings document the history of the American circus from its inception in 1793 to the present day.

Shelley Mordini from Baraboo Tours focuses her Youtube audience at the Robert L. Parkinson Library in this fun video!  

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Come join Shelley, Pete Shrake (archivist) and myself as we shed a little light on what the library does and the types of treasures it holds.  

Circus World's Robert L. Parkinson Library and Research Center is the world's foremost research facility for circus history.  The holdings document the history of the American circus from its inception in 1793 to the present day.

The Library contains a HUGE collection containing rare photographs, posters, manuscripts, and artifacts.  Information on some 2,800 American circuses and a reference file of over 300,000 names of circus performers and employees.  The Library is a prime source of information for enthusiasts and scholars of the circus from all over the world.  


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