Thursday, September 10, 2020

Holy Smokes Bicyles!

Today's post isn't much for words.  

It is more along the lines of bicycle acts that make you go WHAT!?

So far in my life, I have broken bones and sported numerous bruises from falling off my bike.  I am in awe of these talented folks who have an abundance of balance. 

The following Dollies video is amazing!  Such style.  And at Cirque d'hiver!

Dollies Video (1969)

Not only do they sommersault from bike to bike, they show how the "16 people on one bike" act is built.  Holy smokes!

As if the splits is not difficult enough, let's throw a high wire in just for fun.

I dont know how they do this but they make it look fun!

She is adorable!  Such talent.  And a golden bike!


This troupe just makes me think of 'pizzazz'!

I could be here for HOURS researching bicycle acts!

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